I Think together the collection of posters released are really strong are they compliment one another. I feel that the dark tones and simplistic layout doesnt grab peoples attention whereas the film is so energetic and colourful I feel this poster isnt a good representation of the film.
They have used a medium shot of Dicaprio showing him in a four piece suit suggesting power and high status. This poster is part of a series of cast photos as advertisment which highlights there all star cast. This type of shot also raises awareness to the costumes which suggests the era of the film and the genre. DiCaprio is presented in a formal black suit with a bow tie, this implies romance. In the background there is an art deco pattern which highlights the 30's and 40's in which the film set in.
The dark tones in this poster mirror the dark romatic story Baz Luhrmann's films tend to revolve around e.g.Romeo and Juliet, Moulin Rouge. The dark green background suggests wealth as it's the same colour as money and champain which are common props in the film. The gold shiny finish also means wealth and suggests to the audience that this film will be glamourous.
The word 'Gatsby' is in large with 'The Great' written within it awaring the audience that Gatsby is the lead character. The stylistic font being used is also represtivtative of the time period its set in. Below it is a smaller font as it's not the main focus of the poster is a list of popular films from the director. By doing this the audience can assume it's going to be a good film due to the success of his previous films. Above the title in bold font 'Leonardo Dicaprio' is written, this also would bring more people into the film as we tend to associated good films with the actors involved in it. Decaprio has made his name within chick flicks and Drama (Romeo & Juliet and Titanic) so people would assume its going to become a classic romantic film.
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