Tuesday, 25 June 2013

"The Hunger Games" Trailer Analysis

In the hunger games trailer we are introduced to a a variety of charectors, locations and themes.

We first see see the lead Katniss running though a runned down village in which she appears to be running away from. She passes through a fence with "voltage" written across it which suggests to the audience that she is fearless. As the trailer continues we see her with her friend Gail (liam hemsworth), she encompases a new modern take on a lead with her pesimistic attitude and limitted dialoge. This new image of the female hero also goes against the cliche conventions we see in 'Laura croft' and 'The Avengers' where they make the female sexy in order to appeal to the male demographic. Above a craft goes over there heads both character duck for cover suggesting there is something to be feared by what is coming. As they duck into the bushes Gail has his arm around Katniss as if he's protecting her suggesting a possible love story there.    

They introduce the production company 'lion gate' which is a large well known company showing it has a large production value. When Effie Trinket is introduced she is overly dressed to ridicule the aristocracy in the film. It also highlights the devide between the classes within the different zones. We then go to a shot of Katniss sister crying adding to the suspense of the scene. We see a large group of teenagers being lined up dramatically is reminiscent of the holocaust all wearing similar coloured clothing making none stand out appart from Effie. This continues as we see a bold red flag hanging above the stage. This suggests the dictators are powerful and fierce in contrast to the calm pastle colours of the people whom live in district 12. It gradually builds to a climax where Katness takes the place of her sister in the hunger games after this the scene keeps jumping forward quickly making it all appear fast pace and dramatic. Gail talks to Katniss stating "they only want a good show" suggesting she is about to go into some kind of reality entertainment show. Katniss reply's "there's four of us Gail only one comes out" making it more dramatic as she expresses her doubts that she will survive.   

It cuts to text "from the best-selling epic novels" showing that there is already an established fan following. This will also make audience replace huge franchise such as twilight and Harry Potter than had recently finished around the release of this film.  

The tributes are then taken away from district 12 on a stylish train into a futuristic city making us feel sympathy for the leads as we are now aware of the poverty the pair were in previously. The trailer continues to suggest the elites importance and standards as Katniss is made over, she questions "Are you here to make me look pretty?". We then see her on a stage being presented to a large audience making her appear infirior to them as they control her. The trailer continues at a fast pace which is often reflected in Katniss's body language as she appears uncomfortable and flustered. After a rapid montage of the tributes training for the games it's then slowed down where Katniss and Peeta are talking. In this clip Katniss has her hair down making her appear less uptight around Peeta suggesting a love intrest between the pair. The trailer is then built up with a montage of clips divided by phrases every few seconds. This technique is dramatic and encourages the audience to read as they are already entised by the intense clips. To conclude the trailer they begin a countdown showing the start of the games this leaves the audience wanting more as we see her grab her bag and run into the woods. 

It ends with the text "may the odds be ever in your ravor" speaking directly to the audience making them feel involved and therefore curious as to how Katniss will turn out in the film. 



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