Wednesday, 26 June 2013

"The Great Gatsby" Poster Analysis

I Think together the collection of posters released are really strong are they compliment one another. I feel that the dark tones and simplistic layout doesnt grab peoples attention whereas the film is so energetic and colourful I feel this poster isnt a good representation of the film.  

They have used a medium shot of Dicaprio showing him in a four piece suit suggesting power and high status. This poster is part of a series of cast photos as advertisment which highlights there all star cast. This type of shot also raises awareness to the costumes which suggests the era of the film and the genre. DiCaprio is presented in a formal black suit with a bow tie, this implies romance. In the background there is an art deco pattern which highlights the 30's and 40's in which the film set in.   

The dark tones in this poster mirror the dark romatic story Baz Luhrmann's films tend to revolve around e.g.Romeo and Juliet, Moulin Rouge. The dark green background suggests wealth as it's the same colour as money and champain which are common props in the film. The gold shiny finish also means wealth and suggests to the audience that this film will be glamourous.

The word 'Gatsby' is in large with 'The Great' written within it awaring the audience that Gatsby is the lead character. The stylistic font being used is also represtivtative of the time period its set in. Below it is a smaller font as it's not the main focus of the poster is a list of popular films from the director. By doing this the audience can assume it's going to be a good film due to the success of his previous films. Above the title in bold font 'Leonardo Dicaprio' is written, this also would bring more people into the film as we tend to associated good films with the actors involved in it. Decaprio has made his name within chick flicks and Drama (Romeo & Juliet and Titanic) so people would assume its going to become a classic romantic film.


"The Great Gatsby" Trailer Analysis

The style of the great gatsby is reflective of the time period the film is set in, before the trailer fully starts we have already see the WB logo which is presented like a 1920's decoration. This presents the film in a classic and elegant way which is later enforced through the extravigant parties and costumes. Having orioginated from the famous F.Scott Fitzgerald novel the book has been adapted into a film 6 times but never recieved a large reception until now. Since director Baz Luhrmann dissapointing film Australia he spent the following four years creating short film up until 2013 when he joined the crew for the great gatsby. This film was the chance to get back into the artistic films like Moulin Rouge, Strictlyballroom and Romeo and Juliet. Due to his wide success with these tragic romantic films and his approach to the visual side of them audiences waited in antcipation for the release of the trailer. Gatsby joined the 3D crazy and released the film in both 3D and 2D settings which gives the film a unique feature primarily for the cinema meaning you would have to view it there for the best possible experience. 

The trailer opens with Leonardo DiCaprio "NewYork 1922" With the opening shot of a surreal looking 1920s newyork brougt to life through visual effects, we are reminded of the theme's of idealism and decadence in Fitzgerald's novel. We see a group of people partying greating the kayotic atmoshphere that the film is surrounded by. It jumps to NewYork at night With bright golden lights and beams of lights shoot up at the school like an only fashioned Hollywood premiere. Being set it NewYork people will be intrigued as it's the most over used place in the world for filming meaning that they feel its familiar to them. Its made to look very glamorous and wealthy only for the elite. DiCaprio continues with a list of how better NewYork was back then whilst being accompanied by these glamourous images. Having a recognisable voice audiences will be waiting to for DiCaprio to come on screen so it's building suspense. 

It goes into a scene at Gatsby's house showing flapper girl dancing and men smoking and drinking showing a stereotypical depiction on 20's parties. Gold confetti is continuously falling down as if it's snowing creating a layer of gold everywhere, this continues the theme of wealth making Gatsby appear surrounded by it. Toby McQuire is then introduced in a montage of his asking questions about Gatsby to which he get a multiple amount of random replies creating a mystery around this character. 

The fast tempo begins to slow down as Gatsby sends for someone to be brought to him to talk, the camera pans up to the top window with Gatsby looking out over the party. He appears in a dark room suggesting he doesn't want bring attention to himself and that he enjoys being this myth nobody's sure about. As the music dies it turns to day and we see Daisy standing in amongst a room of pastel flowers. The enhanced colours make it appear dream like and romantic for example Daisy is often put in pastles costumes or settings makeing her appear kind and innoccent. Gatsby is often around browns and greens symbolising power and wealth. As gatsby enters Daisy world in the trailer he appear deshevaled and a mess reflecting gatsby's struggle to get the girl as a romantic past is suggested as Daisy say's "I'm certainly glade to see you again". 

A compilation of romantic settings following building on this relationship between Daisy and Gatsby, its reviled that Daisy already has someone. This conforms to nearly all romantic films where the boys has the girl, he loses girl and then he has to get her back. In amongst this the trailers pace beginning to slow down again as the girl who spoke to Gatsby at the start brings the mystery genre back into it. She begins rambling about how she 's heard something shocking and it all makes sense (referring to Gatsby). This we can assume is to do with who he is as this is the question everyones asking, this hysteria continues to build through out the trailer. Gatsby is seen dishevelled and panicked suggesting were coming closer to the secret. The song in the back ground repeating "love is blindness" suggests that the relationship with Daisy has weakened him and left him exposed and venerable. It slowly begins to decent into the same wild behaviour at the start but this time in a more crazy and mad way, less stylish showing showing the rise and fall of Gatsby. It continues to build to the moment where the audience feels like there about to find out then leaving the audience wanting more. 

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

"The Hunger Games" Trailer Analysis

In the hunger games trailer we are introduced to a a variety of charectors, locations and themes.

We first see see the lead Katniss running though a runned down village in which she appears to be running away from. She passes through a fence with "voltage" written across it which suggests to the audience that she is fearless. As the trailer continues we see her with her friend Gail (liam hemsworth), she encompases a new modern take on a lead with her pesimistic attitude and limitted dialoge. This new image of the female hero also goes against the cliche conventions we see in 'Laura croft' and 'The Avengers' where they make the female sexy in order to appeal to the male demographic. Above a craft goes over there heads both character duck for cover suggesting there is something to be feared by what is coming. As they duck into the bushes Gail has his arm around Katniss as if he's protecting her suggesting a possible love story there.    

They introduce the production company 'lion gate' which is a large well known company showing it has a large production value. When Effie Trinket is introduced she is overly dressed to ridicule the aristocracy in the film. It also highlights the devide between the classes within the different zones. We then go to a shot of Katniss sister crying adding to the suspense of the scene. We see a large group of teenagers being lined up dramatically is reminiscent of the holocaust all wearing similar coloured clothing making none stand out appart from Effie. This continues as we see a bold red flag hanging above the stage. This suggests the dictators are powerful and fierce in contrast to the calm pastle colours of the people whom live in district 12. It gradually builds to a climax where Katness takes the place of her sister in the hunger games after this the scene keeps jumping forward quickly making it all appear fast pace and dramatic. Gail talks to Katniss stating "they only want a good show" suggesting she is about to go into some kind of reality entertainment show. Katniss reply's "there's four of us Gail only one comes out" making it more dramatic as she expresses her doubts that she will survive.   

It cuts to text "from the best-selling epic novels" showing that there is already an established fan following. This will also make audience replace huge franchise such as twilight and Harry Potter than had recently finished around the release of this film.  

The tributes are then taken away from district 12 on a stylish train into a futuristic city making us feel sympathy for the leads as we are now aware of the poverty the pair were in previously. The trailer continues to suggest the elites importance and standards as Katniss is made over, she questions "Are you here to make me look pretty?". We then see her on a stage being presented to a large audience making her appear infirior to them as they control her. The trailer continues at a fast pace which is often reflected in Katniss's body language as she appears uncomfortable and flustered. After a rapid montage of the tributes training for the games it's then slowed down where Katniss and Peeta are talking. In this clip Katniss has her hair down making her appear less uptight around Peeta suggesting a love intrest between the pair. The trailer is then built up with a montage of clips divided by phrases every few seconds. This technique is dramatic and encourages the audience to read as they are already entised by the intense clips. To conclude the trailer they begin a countdown showing the start of the games this leaves the audience wanting more as we see her grab her bag and run into the woods. 

It ends with the text "may the odds be ever in your ravor" speaking directly to the audience making them feel involved and therefore curious as to how Katniss will turn out in the film. 



"The Hunger Games" Poster Analysis

The hunger games poster shows Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) centre with her back turned to the audience. Her centre possition suggests she is the lead charector in the film as she is the main focus of the poster. A long shot has been used, although it's showing Katniss from the waist up they have included her surroundings. The makes Katniss appear isolated and alone which relates to the story line of the film. She is standing side on which is how she stand when shooting her arrow suggesting she is ready.  

 On either side of her are these banners with Katniss and Peeta's faces on. This and the crowd of people and theatrical lighting implyies they both have a celebrity status. This celebrity culture and status appeals to there target audeince of teenage girls. Peeta and Katniss on either side are on banners all looking up at this symbol highlighting the importance of but also they seem unaware of how important they are. The mocking jay on fire connotes danger and power, as this is the symbol for Katniss it also makes her appear this way which relates to the next few books. The sky being on fire makes it appear as if the mocking jay flames are spreading which reflects how Katniss becomes an icon and she is slowly talking over leading to the capital re-enterring her into the hunger games in the next movie. 

At the top of the poster the text says 'the world will be watching' this again enforces the celebrity culture they are a part of. The banners of the two could also be responding to the text as both look fearful. We can tell from the poster the two of them are the lead characters but more so Katniss as she also takes a place in the centre. It resembles roman times where people would be places in arena to fight, the people sitting in the stands on the side cheering suggests how this is entertainment for them. She is geared up ready to fight for her life as the people watch. She is also kept away from the people in the capital as they all have a barrier in front of them with bright lights making a lined up jail cell look to it. This suggest they are from two different cultures and the people in the arena in a way are fighting which will win their approval. 

"Man of Steel" Poster Analysis

The body language of superman (Henry Cavill) suggests themes of the film. We see his fist clenched closhed in an aggressive punch like action. This ontop of his muscler arms make's him appear powerful and strong which are sterotypical traites of the lead in an action film. Below him we see a skyline simular to that of newyorks which is one of the cities the make believe city of Matropalis is based on. Because we see him soaring over matropalise it shows the audience that this is also a superhero and sci-fi genred film. The font of the poster also translates themes of the sci-fi genre as it will remind people of current films such as star trek into darkness. The siver and metallica colour the title has, conveyed a futuristic feel which will attatch it onto films such as that one. Behind the title is the superman logo which attatches it to a whole francise and fanbase.     

The announcement of 'Man of Steel' caused a lot of controversy due to the small gap between 'Superman Return'. Due to the recent success of Marvels 'amazing spiderman' reboot it put a lot of pressure on DC comics superman reboot to match the success. This being one of the first official pictures of Cavill portraying superman It caused a lot of interest as audiences were excited to see how he would look as the new superman. 

They have made the new franchise darker than previous ones, we can see this from his suit. It's previously been bright bold colours really drawing attention to him, now its more like darker shades of metallic. This makes him appear more mysterious than previous superman's have been. This is fitting as this follows the rise of superman and how he became the icon with all this mystery surrounding him.    

The title has used small font as it is such an iconic charector that the picture speaks for its self.  

"Man of Steel" Magazine cover Analysis

The film follows the classic story of a kryptonian baby being adopted by a normal human couple and how he grows up into superman. Development began in 2008 where Warner Brothers took pitches from comic book writers, screen writers and directors. Like many trailers it starts by introducing the studio and production company, warner brothers, legendary, DC comics and syncope. Being large studios the audience will be familiar with the films made by them which will suggest the scale of film.

The cover shows Henrey Caville (superman) walking forward with explostions going off behind him. Caville appears powerful and fearless as he walks through all this destruction looking un intrested by any of it. The explosions in the background suggest the genre of sci-fy and action. Previous adaptations of Superman have commonly shown him in a soft compassionate way most notably in the film previous to this one. This cover presents a new type of super hero we are seeing in the avengers and batman where superhero's are much darker and more capable of being dangerous as they are less relatable to audiences. In Thor this can be seen with the characters of Thor where when he was having blood drawn and he reacts by saying "how dare you attack the son of oden" and proceeds to beat up all the doctors in the room. These type of scenes make the new type of superheros appear more dangerous and capable of being the bad guy as they are presented as aliens. Because of factors like this the body language of Superman could also suggest that it was him who caused all that destruction.   

Its inevitable that this film will have a sequal, I think this is why they didnt include his female companion as she will be more involved in the second film. Unlike previous superman films this film has the technology to show his past as they are able to create a planet from gci. By showing him and him alone of the cover of the magazine it emphasises how this film revolves around him

Like the avengers and the new spiderman, the new superhero films are taking a darker spin, this is presented through the darker colouring of his costume. As the costume is something the audience looks forward to seeing by showing one that is completly different to anything weve seen before would create buzz about the film.    

Monday, 24 June 2013

"Man of Steel" Trailer Analysis

The film follows the classic story of a kryptonian baby being adopted by a normal human couple and how he grows up into superman. Development began in 2008 where Warner Brothers took pitches from comic book writers, screen writers and directors. Like many trailers it starts by introducing the studio and production company, warner brothers, legendary, DC comics and syncope. Being large studios the audience will be familiar with the films made by them which will suggest the scale of film. These company logos have also been altered giving them a metal reflective look relating to the title 'man of steel'.  

Zack Snyder expressed reluctance to shooting the film in 3D, due to the technical limitations of the format, and instead chose to shoot the film two dimensionally and convert the film into 3-D in post-production. Snyder also chose to shoot the film on film instead of digitally, because he felt it would make the film, "a big movie experience". These factors made the film more and less appealing, although audiences for the superhero genre have responded well to the 3D the choice to not film it like that could damage turnout. On the other hand reverting back to filming on film like other directors such as Quentin Tarantino has proven successful and could be what sets them apart. 
It starts off slow creating a mysterious mood which builds suspense for the audience. The opening clip shows a man suspended in water which could suggest drowning but due to the calming soundtrack comes across as peaceful and tranquil. He is them show to be floating amongst wreckage which makes it appear changes to tone from peaceful to intense and serious. We see Cavill dispersed in the water followed by a sequence of flashbacks as if his life is flashing before his eyes. Over the top of this is a voice over of a mother talking to a child comforting him. Along with the montage we can assume this is young Clark Kent trying to deal with his powers. The mother says "focus on my voice, pretend it's an island out in the ocean" this relates back to the man floating in the water suggesting something traumatic has occurred in his live resulting in him needing to physically do what his mother instructed rather than just in his imagination. When compared with previous superman film this reboot is being pitched as a darker more sinister adaptation. 

Young kent is shown saving a school bus of kids and consequently being told he maybe should of let them die. This suggests there is a greater fear of what will happen to Clark if he gets found than there had been in previous adaptations of Superman. It then cuts to an adult Clark saying "I have so many questions, where do I come from" this creates mystery as the audience will want to know who he's asking that can give him the answers. In between the cut is text saying "this summer" telling the audience when these questions will be answered creating buzz. 

Previous films had usually skipped straight to the Lois Lane part of his time line, being half way through suggests the film is predominantly to do with him and his life. It then cuts to the back of the Superman in his costume walking giving the audience something they remember, the gradual walking forward builds suspense making the audience eager to see the rest of the costume. It continues to show Clark as superman for distant angles or closeups meaning the audience still isn't able to get a proper look of superman continually building suspense by giving little of the plot away. He's walking along an icy cold landscape making him appear isolated and alone. 

Superman dissents into the sky suggesting the trailer is about to pick up speed, this is enforced by the dramatic music change making it appear as if something is about to happen. Zack Snyder is introduced as the director of watchmen. He also directer sucker punch and dawn of the dead he was confirmed as the director in 2010 after Guillermo Del Toro turned it down. Having had released a number of successful superhero films, his name is associated with that genre so he had a fairly positive response from anticipating audiences. 

It goes onto another montage this one being more dramatic showing debris floating around what looks like space showing the trailer going from what seemed like a serious drama film into a sci fy. Russell Crowe is shown hold a baby which we can assume is Clark due to the question he was asking about his past previously. Russell Crowe being in it adds to the star cast making audiences trust that its worth going to see because of all the big names. We assume that Crowe is Superman's father so this also gives us more of an indication that his past will be a very significant part of this film given that they've gotten a big movie star to be in it. It quickly jumps to Clark on fire contrasting with our original image we had of him floating in the water showing rapid changes in his life all happening at once. 

We see Superman walking down a corridor in handcuffs with a voice over from him "my father believed if the world found out who I really was they'd reject me" him being shown in hand cuffs suggests his father was right and that the people could be the enemies in this film. We see him reach out and take Louis Lanes (Amy Adams) hand making him appear less lonely and isolated like he had done before and suggesting themes of romance making it more appealing to the female audience who tend not to be the main audience in superhero films. Clark continues "he was convinced that the world wasn't ready, what do you think" making the audience feel a part of the film and also leaving the audience with a question making them want to see the film to answer it.     
Being part of a franchise, man of steel had a large fan base before production began. This factor has both positive and negative factors. Social media played a large contributor to the awareness of the film with the public publishing it for them in a way through blogging sites and sites like twitter and Facebook. On the other hand they also had a large audience to please through every step of development and the huge success of batman and the marvel avenger films to compete with.