FINAL: This is our finale Empire cover for our film, we chose this magazine as it's the most well known movie magazine and our film is aimed a there audiences. Like with the teaser trailer we wanted to keep it a secret what the zombies looked like. Directors such as J.J Abrams and Steven Spielberg also have done this in the production of there films (ET and Super 8). We felt doing this was effective so we collectively decided to continue with showing audiences little part of the Zombies making it mysterious.
Using photoshop Abbie transformed the hand into a torn apart zombie hand. Although we want to keep our film current we went with an old fashioned style layout, conforming to a typical old zombie film. We felt by doing this and then having a high quality picture of the zombie hand it would make a statement announcing the new type of zombie films.
We kept the font red as it contrasted well with the green colouring of the hand, these colours would really stand out but to not make it too cliche we darkened the title font to a slightly darker red in order to look more professional.
DRAFT: After discussion we thought we should make changes to the origional concept of the cover, we decided to move the date of the issue from the top inbetween the M to underneath the E so that it was more visable to the viewer. We then changed the writing on the left side to bold white font and made them form a line on the side so that it looks more clean and cut.