Monday, 11 November 2013

Zombie Film Make Up

Make up is a very important part of our trailer as we want it to look real and not amateur like we have seen in other zombie media groups attempts. 

This is Abbie's make-up demonstration, showing one of the make-up options for 'Virus'. By doing this she was able to practice and experiment with colour and materials and we we're able to get a rough idea of how long each person will take to do the make up on so we can include the timing in our filming schedule. The materials Abbie used in this tutorial are face wax, concealer, face powder and gel blood. 

Abbie also recorded the demonstration in 1080p HD which is the quality we will be filming in so it was a good chance to see how good the final product looks on camera as high camera quality can occasionally make it look fake. Fortunately the make-up looked really good on camera so we we're all confident to use this within our film.

Below are a few other examples of Abbie practicing with the monster make-up building up a sorta catalogue demonstrating her ability so we can go through it as a group a select certain ones.    

These zombie make-up tutorials are very helpful when preparing to do make-up.
Abbie researched into different types of zombie make-up and how to apply it, which is demonstrated in the YouTube tutorials above.

these are also very helpful to see what type of zombies are out there, weather they are blood thirsty-blood everywhere zombies or timid yet freakishly weird zombies!
Abbie took what she learnt from these, combined them together takeing the best aspects of a selection of tutorials.  

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