Sunday, 27 October 2013

Zombie Film Location School

SCHOOl- After researching the locations of a variety of Zombie films we felt school would be a good location as it follows the popular use of commonly busy locations deserted. Using location aswell as being effective would also be more convinient as we would be able to film during our free lessons, time for filming was somthing we struggled with last year. Hopefully we would also be able to have more extras and actors in our trailer if we film parts in school. On top of this we would hopefully be able to get permission to film after school meaning we would put some scenery us making it a more believeable location. We want our film to have theme's of comedy in it we wanted to show the teenagers being sterotypical and go about there day to day life in school but the outside being surrounded by zombies 

The long corridoors are perfect for chase scenes so we would want to include an action scene of some sort within the trailer.   

 As our cast are all teenagers we thought we would see if we could use the gym equipment for a training scene where we see our lead charector come in to train to teenagers in combat.

  We havent decided yet as to where the bass will be for the charectors, but we will most likely use one of the room in the school that isnt use too often allowing us to mess it up. If this isnt allowed then we wil probably leave these scenes till the end of term and film it after school meaning we wont be in anyones way.
 We want the canteen to be show in the begining of the trailer where we see the charectors going about there's lives in school as if nothings changed.

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