On our first day of shooting a few of our actors werent able to make it due to school rehursals or christmas play rehursals so we decided that we would film a variety of developing shots. On the day it was also very cloud and rainy so it was perfect for the image that we wanted to go for and inspired how the film will look today.
Because we know we wanted to use a school as its a relatable location for our target audience we tried to go to more obsucure places. For example a panning shot from above the buildings is on a stair case to a blocked part of the building meaning nobody really does up there. As the is an view of the building students wont know it will be more intreaging. Corridoors are something we really want to include in our production due to the grim lighting that occures when we change to colouring of the trailer
0:00 - 0:04 // We filmed whilst walking down the E corridoor and after that we edited the clip to slow it down. This created a haunting atmosphere and made the camera jult more causing the light reflecting off the wall to give the illution its flickering. This technique and location is somthing we will probably use in a death scene of one of the lead charecters. The enclosed corridoors makes the audience feel costriphobic and alone which will in turn make the audience feel for human charecters in the corridoor as you can predict danger.
0:05 - 0:08 // The section of the year 7 playground I film here had to be cut due to the bright colours in the art windows and the brightly coloured blue and yellow doors. From this we learnt that bold colours dont work well as they still overpower the editing making it look amature.
0:09 - 0:12 // The field I feel is a really strong location due to the flat landscape across it, it really emphasises how alone the humans. Aswell as this the trees at the back when editied create a dark frame around the field emphasising on the enclosed space they live in makeing the audience feel they are safe.
0:15 - 17// The building shown are as bright as I would would to include any colour in our production. Any brighter I think the building become to obvious and it takes the attention away from whats happening in the scene.
0:32 - 0:35// The playground is a good location as its the most steryotypical location in a school, reminding the audience where its set. Aswell as this the fencing around the edge of the play ground also makes it seem like a prison, making it appear dangerous.
0:41 - 0:45// This is possible my favirote location due to the dug up ground making the school grounds appear untended to as if it has been left. It also suggests a sort of aftermass of the Zombie apocalips as if a veichal of some sort has driven and taken up the grass. Aswell as this the puddles of dirt make it seem dirty and abandoned.
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