Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Zombie Film Zombie research

The Generic Zombie

(The Walking Dead)-The Generic Zombie is a human that has been brought back to life and  shuffles, moans and is unable to move properly. Always very aggressive, but not very fast.They are usually the victims of a virus messes up the brain, stopping everything and thus creating the zombie. These types of zombies come from no-where, anyone can catch the virus by a bite and become a zombie. The virus is normally transferred via a bite, however any transfer of bodily fluids may also give the victims the virus.

Resident Evil Zombies (films/games)- 

Resident Evil Zombies were zombies created accidentally via the T-Virus and other types of virus, created by the Umbrella Corporation. These zombies vary from other zombie as not just humans can become infected, but animals and plants as well. The zombies in Resident Evil are listed bellow:

Hyper Zombies: These zombies are freshly made and they tend to sprint fast towards humans, they're stronger and a bit faster than the general zombies.

Crimson Heads: After suffering a large T-Virus infection, the zombies start to gain a red-ish skin colour, their fingers get claws and they start to release a gas. they become more aggressive but faster and can take a number of hits before dying.

Lickers: Is the final evolution of a zombie as the Crimson Head(red skin zombies) "evolves" into a faster predator. They lose sight, but instead they gain super hearing and get the ability to walk on walls like bugs. Also they look like as they've been skinned or turned inside out. They attack their prey with their sharp claws and their long tongue.
The Crazies (Film)-

The Crazies

The Crazies are a rare infected who have been infected with a ' Rhabdoviridae Prototype (fictional toxin) ' called Trixie that drives them insane and have the urge to murder after catching it. They are special because after becoming infected, they gain the homicidal and irrational drive of a Zombie, but do not lose any of their intelligence, memories, use of weapons, or coordination - they simply become entirely drived to killing anyone non Crazy. they have been known to stand still like a statue, holding their positions, lying in wait for the victims. this infection/virus also kills its host after 48 hours.

Voodoo Zombies

Voodoo Zombies are individuals created by a witch doctor through mixtures of poisons and herbs. These are the first Zombies, Other Voodoo Zombies are re-animated corpses brought back from the dead by Voodoo rituals. Salt can be used against them, causing them to realize they are dead, and return to their grave.

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