Universal (U) - All ages admitted,
there is nothing unsuitable for children
Parental Guidance (PG) - All
ages are admitted, but certain references could be unsuitable for young
children. May contain mild language and sex/drugs references. It can contain
mild language and sex/drugs references. May contain moderate violence if
justified by context. (E.G: Fantasy Violence.)
12A - Cinema only. This
classification was introduced in 2002. Films in this category are considered to
be unsuitable for young children. Those aged under 12 are onlya admitted if they
are accompanied by an adult, at all times during the motion picture. It's
generally not recommended that children under 12 should watch the film. Films in
this category contain mature themes, discrimination, soft drugs, infrequent
strong language and discretely portrayed. Sexual violence may be implied.
15 - Only those over 15
years are admitted. Nobody younger than 15 can rent or buy a 15 film. Films
under this category can contain adult themes, hard drugs, frequent strong
language and strong violence and sex references. Sexual activity may be
portrayed but without any strong detail. Sexual violence may be shown if
discreet and justified by context.
18 - Only adults are
admitted. Nobody younger than 18 can rent or buy an 18-rated film, or watch an
18-film in the cinema. Films in this category don't have a limitation on the bad
language, hard drugs are allowed, and explicit sex references and along with
detailed sexual activity are also allowed.
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