Thursday, 8 August 2013

"500 Day's of Summer" Poster Analysis

By using photos of the lead charector 'Summer' they have created a montage of the sky. This creative layout is expected off of independent films as lack of funds for advertisment is made up for in these ways. The collage relates to the title as this picture reflects a summers day despite the fact the film's has nothing to do with seasons. If anything the name summer represents a phase in Tom's life as he later moves onto a girl called 'Autumn'. Tom is sitting in the bottom left corner sketching, with the combination of the photos it makes him appear obsessive over the girl. This is also enforced by the layout as tom is in the corner and it appears as if all the pictures of summer are coming out his head. This is emphasised by the phrase "This is not a Love Story. This is a story about Love" which I believe represent the unrequited love between the two lead characters.We know the film is about summer but from Tom perspective due to the layout of this poster.

Genre's are clearly conved through the language and imagery on the poster. The word love having been used twice meaning the audience will be more likely to pick up on it. From this we can assume that it will be a romantic film and judgeing purly from the photographs which include a large amount of summer laughing there's a slight suggestion of comedy. 
The white coloured background allow the features on the poster to stand out. The blue creates a peaceful mood which relates to the lead charecter summer's characteristics. In the middle of the blue is a yellow sun which creates a happy mood contrasting with the more peaceful calm mood of the blue.

In the corner it has a logo for approved films from the sundance film festival which suggest that it's a good film enticing people to go see it. Both characters weren't huge names at this point making them more relatable to people than movie star would have been. Part of the appeal was that they portrayed a normals guys experiences but in a quirky way. They even go on in the film to emphasis how normal the two of them are when introducing the two of them. At the bottom of the collage sky is the outlines of a skyline which relates to Toms dream job to become an architect which is important as when he returns back to doing this its his transition stage from getting over summer.     

Its described as a 'sleeper hit' a film that becomes very successful despite a lack of promotion or a successful opening. Its cost $7.5 million to make and earned over $60 million worldwide. It was regard as one of the best films of 2009 winning numerous amount of awards.  

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