Thursday, 3 April 2014

Evaluation Activity 4

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? 

Youtube was the most helpful website to us as we used this in all stages of our production. When creating the zombie look Abbie would use youtube as a reference in teacher her how to apply zombie makeup. From this website we were able to really improve on what we couldn't in last years production which was cosmetics to really bring forward the supernatural horror side that we wanted to. Compared to last year we were really able to use youtube as something to learn from and as a result I believe it improved our overall production. 

Imovie has been the software we have used throughout AS and ALevel media. We all have become very comfortable with the software and feel we are more happy with the results from this software than any other we tried out. All of us being fluent with the software meant we were able to be more collaborative with the editing process as we all knew what we were doing. I learnt from this editing process with Imovie how important the sound is on a film which lead to me become better with sound editing, something I wasn't as confident with during our opening 2 minuets last year. This time I was able to overlap the sound making room for soundtracks and sound effect which I feel makes the film feel more professional.   

Blogger has helped me with presentation skills. At the start of A2 we were encouraged to layout the blog in a way that really compliments our genre. For my group it involved a lot of black backgrounds with red font and gory zombie pictures. 

The camera we were using was one we all felt comfortable with from last years opening 2 minuets. This year Abbie had gotten the same camera meaning we were able to double up on shooting doubling the amount of footage we could get at once. This made things a lot easier as this year we made Vlogs whilst we were filming meaning we could have someone doing behind the scenes footage. This made things a lot easier as we could all be more independent rather than huddling round one camera all trying to be the cameraman or director. 

Photoshop was very important for media texts such as the posters and the magazine covers. It allowed us to try alternative methods to achieve the zombie look without using cosmetics all the time which can be expensive and uncomfortable for the person it's being done to. As well as this we use the make up and software together to enhance the makeup making it even better. Abbie was able to use photoshop as she was taking photography so was able to teach us a meaning that we could also participate.  

We collectively decided to use a Mac rather than a PC as George had a Macbook Pro and I had a Mac so the majority of our group felt more comfortable on that software. We would also be able to edited together at school as George had the imovie software on his laptop.